Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was great this year because I got to spend it with this cute boy:

He came home on Saturday, after spending the day with his dad, and gave me a card that he had made for me along with pages and pages and pages filled with orange scribbles. He had written down all the reasons he loves me. And even though there weren't any actually words, I was blown away by the number of pages he felt the need to fill. Just love that boy!

I decided to make roast for dinner since it has to be the absolute fanciest meal a person can make with the very least amount of effort. Then to our utter delight, my awesome visiting teachers/home teachers stopped by with some super yummy treats:

Here's Caleb's "that flash is really bright" smile:

And his "I moved closer to the pie, now are you done taking pictures yet" smile:

More fabulous treats (which Caleb could not be bothered to take a picture with due to his need to eat every last crumb of bread before Mommy could):

I just love his little attitude in the last picture, so I had to post it too. :)


Patti said...

Is that OBB's strawberry pie? Looks just like it.