Thursday, January 7, 2010

California Girls

Christmas morning we went to Irvine to see my family. My aunt Marta gave Caleb a soccer ball for his present, so we headed outside to play. I figured we'd just find a grassy spot to kick the ball around, but instead we found a little park with some toys. Needless to say, the soccer ball was quickly forgotten. So instead, here are a bunch of pictures of Caleb, Nora and Sara playing on the toys (with guest appearances by Harley and my uncle David).

And one of cute Mia.


Patti said...

no more w.v. Weird that it was on there earlier. Gorgeous pix of my fab grandbabies.

Laura Read said...

The reason parks are such a great choice for kid photography is that you get such natural, happy smiles. Very cute pictures.

Brandon said...

I think the one with Harley following Caleb is my favorite. Keep up the blogging, I miss you guys.

Bekah said...

Great Pictures Karen. Those are some happy kids. Looks like Mia has some red hair?
Makes me so happy to see those smiling faces.

regular grandma said...

You really captured the girls,(Caleb too) what great pictures.

Nora's world said...

Ok, I bite. What is w.v.? Both times it was mentioned involved blogs w/ my fam, and both times had a negative connotation. I want copies of these pictures please.